Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
I have no idea if I will continue to blog or not, but like I have said before I think I will check back from timeto time to see others! This week has been so flippin hectic. I was looking forward to some down time for week 10 and the next weekoff from school and I don't think it's going to happen. Last tues, ( beginning of week 10) I went to doctors, he said you are having surgery on Friday...eek... meanwhile my 3 yr old has surgery schedulled for tomorrow. so... I had surgery Friday ( nothing serious but I guess serious enough for surgery semi-immediatly) went to work sat, Have been totally and completely exhausted since then. I've been told anesthesia will do that to you. Took my final for my other class today and did not do as well as I thought I did. So I am upset for my grade this term and a little rocked by mo sons surgery tomorrow. Have to be at hospital 615, we are 45 min away from there...grrrr..... I hope everyone else is having a happy and relaxing time off for this week!!!!! :) jen
Thursday, April 1, 2010
unit 9
When I do finally hand in my paper at 11:59 Tuesday night .. I will feel relieved.I have alot more work to do on it, as I took a few days off this past week. I feel ok about it now but I want to make it even better, the most difficult thing I face with the paper is the APA format and making the reference page, title page, and headers perfect. And then theres the abstract which I hope I don't forget!! It's been a great semester and I really can'y believe that it is over yet but I will be happy with a week off! :)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
week 8
whew! I can't believe we're almost done....wish my paper was!!! I don't think that I have any problems per say through the writing process, some challenges, yes, but problems , no. I have always enjoyed writing so when I see my paper come together it is a nice thing. It helps that the topic is something I am interested in and not something assigned! I think more comments towards me throughout the course of the term would have been a nicer way to interact with people, but I kind of have a whatever attitude when it comes to the small things. I have learned in the past year or so the small things are not worth getting riled up about. Hmm, will I continue to blog? Probably not, or maybe so, not really sure, I think it will be more of something that I come back to like facebook and make comments here and there along with posts. I enjoy reading everyone elses blog and seeing what your lives are like with school, life, and work. But for now it's Thurs night and tomorrow I go to my best friend's mothers memorial service, which is nice because I will see her ( she lives in Ga and I in NJ) and her family whom I love, Sat me and the family are off to camping for 3 nights, which we are all very excited about. Nothing to primitave though, we rented a cabin at a state park. It seems my husband and I are a little less adventurous as we get older. We used to camp in a tent any and all the time, but now I have the attitude of, if I'm not wearing shorts, I'm not pitching a tent!! Even though we are in a campground we are kind of primitive in the case we have no electricity and running water on site. The teenager gathers the water and we have lanterns for the inside. I can't wait we rented one of these cabins back in October and it was really nice especially with a three year old ( his first camping trip was 6 months old!!) So I am looking forward to no cell phone and no computers for 3 1/2 days!!! Have a great weekend all! :)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Peer Review
I am looking forward to reading everyone's papers even if I don't comment on them, we have so many interesting topics! I am really looking forward to peer responses to my paper, as it is a rough draft there is more I want to add to and ideas I want to enhance on. I think it's a great opportunity to see how others write and possibly get ideas and input from other peer responses on someone elses paper! Happy reading all!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
My past six weeks ...again
oopsie I pushed the enter instead of the tab and posted a blank post again! Whew! The past six weeks have defintely been harder than my last term, and I think it may have something to do with little breaks like Thanksgiving and Christmas. I need a flippin break right now, and we are going camping in 2 weeks for 3 nights but I can only hope I wll enjoy. I have to make sure all my posts are done with at least one response and have option 2 for my other class done, and I need to do really before week 8 starts because when week 8 starts I will have my best friend visiting for her mothers memorial service so I want to spend time with her before I go away. I still feel like I am lagging behind in my classes and wish I had more time, like maybe if I didn't have to work my 10 -3 job on Thurs that would help. But in the past 6 weeks I have been just going and going and going and its been emotional too. My closest friends mom died.My 15 yr old is haing issues in school and every time the phone rings I am afraid it will be the school, my 3 year old needs surgery and it was rescheduled for next month because I had to change my hmo so he can go to a specific hospital. I filed for divorce in thebeginning of February, my husband still lives here and after 3 years of doing nothing around the house or paying particular mnd to me he has been cleaning and wanting to have conversations and really actinglike the man I used to know, but he hasn't talked to me about the divorce he's just acting better. AND don't even get me started on my mother and her opinions!! Like my friend says " if it's not one thing, it's your mother!" So it's been a little emotional, hectic, and crazy and sometimes my head spins, and I hope I get it all done cause all I really want to do is sit at the campground and be in nature! :)
Monday, March 8, 2010
writing styles and school
My prewriting are definitely brainstroming and outlining. I like it all neat and in order, and this is probably because I can't have everything neat and orderly in my life! Going to school affects my life in so many ways, I enjoy the learning process and the me getting smarter but I hate the time it is taking from my family. Many times they are out and about and I have to stay home and do school stuff, which sometimes its nice to have the alone time to work , but other times I wish I could be out with them! My little son is frustrated and my older one has mixed emotions, he loves to hear about what I am doing and how I am progressiing but it takes away from him too. I truly enjoy the flexibility of on line classes but sometimes I fel thats all I am doing in my spare time, school stuff. It was beautiful today and I sat in the sun and read a trashy murder mystery feeling semi guilty the whole time because I should have been doing research for my paper. So now I need to buckle down and get it done!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I feel it is really important to always cite your sources to give credit whee edtisu., One thing I remember growing up and going to school is that he teachers always said "Don't copy diectly from a book, you can rearrange the words and then you make it your own". Of course this was probably high school or maybe even grammar school. This hs always stuck with me though, so now here I am learning at 37 yrs old that this is not ok. I feel if you don't properly cite your sources within you paper and on the reference page that 1. you are not giving credit to the original author and 2. you are losing the creditbility of your own paper andyou self; and who's goi to believe anything you write if you aren't honest. I think learning aout plagiarism is easy enough but learning APA is a thorn in my side, but eventually I will get it and hopefully become econd nature to me! :)jen
Friday, February 26, 2010
High school again???
grrr.... I feel like I'm in high school again... OK well .. maybe that'san exageration. I feel like I am behind in my classes and I need to spend more time on both of them, but configuring the time is difficult. The other class I am taking I am not happy with myself, my grade seems to be dropping every week and with my last semester being so good I am starting to feel like whatever I do isn't good enough. one week i posted enoug responses but didn't log in enoug so I got points taken off for that, last week after the fact she tells me I was to argue a point in the discussin and not just tell my opinion so I lost points on discussion for that. Not to mention that every assignment I turn in has wrong answers. So when I say I feel like I'min high school again I mean that I have all these great feelings about the work I do and then it gets slapped down by the grades. I know I need to get over my pity party and just work harder, BUT.... and here comes the pity part.... I am stressed over school, over life, and over stupid little stuff. I filed for divorce from my husband at the begininng of the month and I still have to have him served with the papers, he still lives in the house with me and our kids, I have to find another octor for myself to look into something for my personal self, my 3 yr od son needs to have minor surgery but it requires that he be under full anestesia and the only hospital to have a pediatric anestesiologist doesn't take my insurance, so I can hope they will make an exception or change my hmo so he can have the surgery, my very best friend in the world's mother is about to die so may have to jet off to North Carolina at the drop of a hat because I can't imagine not being there for her when she goes. So tomorrow after work I am packing bags for just in case like a pregant woman for al 4 of us. OK there's more but my pity party is over. After all tis I wish there was more i could do for my friend, I wish I could be there with her when she has to drive 5 hours each way to be at her moms side only to see her deteriorate, and watch as she becomes more delusional. sigh sigh sigh...ok I am done now! till the next blog!!! oh yeah ! we had a lot of snow so i missed 2 days of work pay.... doesn't seem to bother me when I have my mind on all the other stuff :) can't wait to be barefooot!!!
ps...i can't go back and correct my spelling mistakes because when I try to insert a letter to correct a word it deletes the next letter... so I don't know how to change that ... so I a sorry for the spelling errors... it bothers me
ps...i can't go back and correct my spelling mistakes because when I try to insert a letter to correct a word it deletes the next letter... so I don't know how to change that ... so I a sorry for the spelling errors... it bothers me
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Lets try this again
So here I go again tired because I am about to go to bed, but I am in a better frame of mind than this morning. I am enjoying being an online student, it definitely gives me the flexibility and freedom to work at my pace. When I tell people I am back in school online they are so fascinated by it and start asking me all sorts of questions about it. I was extremely nervous at first, it has been 18 years since I was in a school setting but I am getting the hang of it. I do tend to get overwhelmed and think I can do this all, and thats when I know I need to take a deep breath and relax and focus myself on knowing what needs to get done. When I get overwhelmed it is usually due to too much info too fast and when I relax and break down each class in a calmer mind I realize it's not too bad. My favorite is the to do lists the Professor post because then I really see what needs to be done in a different view.
I am not too hip on the anonimity of the classroom setting, I love to socialize and I do miss the meeting new people and discussing class, life, stuff. I do have some of my old classmates from last semester as my friends on facebook and I like that because at least that is a little bit of outside socialization to a point!
I am not too hip on the anonimity of the classroom setting, I love to socialize and I do miss the meeting new people and discussing class, life, stuff. I do have some of my old classmates from last semester as my friends on facebook and I like that because at least that is a little bit of outside socialization to a point!
Friday, February 19, 2010
I am a little frustrated with my self today. It's Friday and I have yet to post my discussions for both classes. I try to get them both done by Thursdays so I can concentrate better on the rest of my life Thurs - Sat, and then go back to focusing on school, but it's not working out as planned this week. I do can say this is my own fault for scheduling things when i should be doing school work. Wednesday I left the house at 8:30 I had appointments and errands to do, I came home by 1:30 ate lunch and then went to work til 6, and then class at 8. Thursday I work and then come home and do mom stuff! Today I don't have t be at work til 3 and I work til 9, I took my 3 yr old to the doctor this morning and now I am off to the doctor myself. I hope I can get some prep for my discussions in the waiting room, so I can possibly post tonight. Work tomorrow 9-5 then mommy duty.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Still trying to figure out this blog thing and trying to work in the time to do it also... I have to figure out a few things like how to follow others and how to bring more people in.... it seems this week has been a little bit of everything...boring anf son had 2 snow days last week and now is off again for 2 that throws a kink into things ...I also did not have togo into work for almost a week because of the snow we have had... so my schedule is all out of whack!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A blogging virgin
So here it blog ...set up for my composition class...of course I have never done this before so I am learning as I go... I decided on the name Barefoot hapiness because I love to be barefoot and it's when I am happy.... no shoes means great happy weather!
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