Friday, February 19, 2010


I am a little frustrated with my self today. It's Friday and I have yet to post my discussions for both classes. I try to get them both done by Thursdays so I can concentrate better on the rest of my life Thurs - Sat, and then go back to focusing on school, but it's not working out as planned this week. I do can say this is my own fault for scheduling things when i should be doing school work. Wednesday I left the house at 8:30 I had appointments and errands to do, I came home by 1:30 ate lunch and then went to work til 6, and then class at 8. Thursday I work and then come home and do mom stuff! Today I don't have t be at work til 3 and I work til 9, I took my 3 yr old to the doctor this morning and now I am off to the doctor myself. I hope I can get some prep for my discussions in the waiting room, so I can possibly post tonight. Work tomorrow 9-5 then mommy duty.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Still trying to figure out this blog thing and trying to work in the time to do it also... I have to figure out a few things like how to follow others and how to bring more people in.... it seems this week has been a little bit of everything...boring anf son had 2 snow days last week and now is off again for 2 that throws a kink into things ...I also did not have togo into work for almost a week because of the snow we have had... so my schedule is all out of whack!