Thursday, March 25, 2010

week 8

whew! I can't believe we're almost done....wish my paper was!!! I don't think that I have any problems per say through the writing process, some challenges, yes, but problems , no. I have always enjoyed writing so when I see my paper come together it is a nice thing. It helps that the topic is something I am interested in and not something assigned! I think more comments towards me throughout the course of the term would have been a nicer way to interact with people, but I kind of have a whatever attitude when it comes to the small things. I have learned in the past year or so the small things are not worth getting riled up about. Hmm, will I continue to blog? Probably not, or maybe so, not really sure, I think it will be more of something that I come back to like facebook and make comments here and there along with posts. I enjoy reading everyone elses blog and seeing what your lives are like with school, life, and work. But for now it's Thurs night and tomorrow I go to my best friend's mothers memorial service, which is nice because I will see her ( she lives in Ga and I in NJ) and her family whom I love, Sat me and the family are off to camping for 3 nights, which we are all very excited about. Nothing to primitave though, we rented a cabin at a state park. It seems my husband and I are a little less adventurous as we get older. We used to camp in a tent any and all the time, but now I have the attitude of, if I'm not wearing shorts, I'm not pitching a tent!! Even though we are in a campground we are kind of primitive in the case we have no electricity and running water on site. The teenager gathers the water and we have lanterns for the inside. I can't wait we rented one of these cabins back in October and it was really nice especially with a three year old ( his first camping trip was 6 months old!!) So I am looking forward to no cell phone and no computers for 3 1/2 days!!! Have a great weekend all! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're having a great weekend. I did my first tent camping (at age 49) last summer, it was a blast, but can't say I want to do it again! I'm more of a cabin camper! It's just nice to know the weather is nice enough to even do camping. Yeah Spring!
