Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Unit 2 Relaxation

Unit 2 I just wanted to start this week off by saying hello to all and I hope everyone is having a great and easy beginning of term. I have had a love/ hate relationship with all the reading so far; some I find fascinating and some I have to re read a few times before I completely understand the concept. I will say that last night I was reading Integral Health/ section We can train the mindand I completely agree with the concept of mind training and that people who practice training their mind are happier people. I do not meditate although I would like to conquer this feat but I do start each day looking at the positive and trying to see the good in everything. My favorite quote from the reading I did last night was " We just need to train ourselves to surf the waves of outer adversity rather than to drown in them (Dacher, 2006, p22)". I love this and it really hit home, I think I try very hard in my life to go with the flow and when something negative happens I believe that it happens for a reason so I can learn from it, and if it just happens because then I try to roll with it. The relaxation technique for me was amazing! It’s been a long two weeks and an even longer day today. This technique was just what I needed to get through the rest of night. I am amazed on how this technique completely and totally relaxed me. The mind- body connection was definitely at work in this situation. My arms were not going to move anywhere at the time of full relaxation, the first place I felt the warmth that is spoken of was in my wrist. It wasn’t until the voice mentions about the palms radiating heat that I realized my hands were cupped and the warmth on my wrists I was feeling was coming from my palms because of their positioning. When told to bring the blood back to the core I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach after a few seconds of this thought. This is a technique I think I can use in the future, life gets so hectic with multiple jobs, crazy kid’s school schedules, my school, and just keeping the dishes out of the sink and the floor swept I can see myself practicing this when it all gets to be too much. I think I need a recorded voice all the time or I may fall asleep. ;) Dacher, E. S. (2006). Integral health the path to human flourishing. Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health.


  1. I do hot yoga three times a week and I really like the concept that you are describing of full meditation and relaxation. I try really hard too but I think I either had ADD or just am really hyper because my mind always seems to float off somewhere else when I am trying to relax. I always had the hardest time falling asleep because I am always thinking of something else. I think that this class if anything will help me be more conscientious of what I am doing and help me clear my mind. I am looking forward to taking this class, you really seem to know how to blog! I may have to ask you for help.

    1. Jennifer, I have no idea of what I am doing!!! ;) I completely agree with the mind racing and thinking of other things, I was surprised it worked so well for me!!

  2. Hi Jennifer, my mind is in the Olympics! It constantly goes, I have never tried hot yoga but it sounds interesting to work all the positions of yoga in higher temperatures.

  3. Hello there Jennifer, I like your blogging page and I see that you have experience with this form of social system. Well this blogging thing is very new to me and this response to you is my very first one to anyone (upon their blog of course). You know Jennifer, I love that quote from the reading as well “We just need to train ourselves to surf the waves of outer adversity rather than to drown in them (Dacher, 2006, p22)”. I also love Dacher’s statement upon the effects of a powerful mind and its affects upon the body. According to Dacher, “The power of our mind can transcend physical space to affect the body, mind, and spirit of all those we touch”(pg.23, 2006). Great work~

  4. Hello there Jennifer! I like your explanation of the relaxation technique. I wish I was able to clear my mind and allow it to work for me. I am with ya. It takes a lot of work sometimes just to get the dishes done when there is so much going on around us.

    Have a great thanksgiving

  5. Hi Jennifer,

    I'm right there with you on the reading. I have had to reread some of the material 2-3 times before I really understand it.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving

  6. Hi,

    I, too, am excited about this class. The reading is a bit much; but I am hoping to find the time to really work on meditation. Meditation has never been something I was very good at. I have tried it many times throughout the years with little success. I enjoy it; but I have a difficult time sitting still. I look forward to the weeks to come.

