Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Unit 3

My physical well-being I will rate at a 5 for the moment, but I also feel it is on the way to getting higher, six months ago I would have put it at a 3, I am in the process of making every effort to bring it higher. I recently starting taking boot camp classes 2/3 times a week at a place called The Power Center in my town, they blend Eastern and Western aspects into their workouts and each work out ends with a great stretch and a semi meditation. I feel FABULOUS afterwards. Because of the recent turn of weather related events in my area I have been unable to go consistently 2/3 times a week for 10 days but am hoping come next Monday I will be in full swing ( as long as my sons school is finally fixed and ready for students). I will say it is addicting. Spiritually I feel I am at 6, I don’t practice any religion on a regular basis but I do thank the universe daily for what we have, I have a semi regular habit of writing down 3-5 things I am grateful for daily (if I don’t pass out in bed before thinking of doing it) and I do feel that I spend a little time each day just to be still in my favorite chair outside no matter how cold. I believe that I have a good sense of inner peace, I hold myself responsible and accountable for my actions and thoughts and I have a strong sense of spirituality. Someone said to me once, religion is for those who believe in hell, spirituality is for those who have been to hell or something along those lines ;). I will never say I have had a bad life but I will say there was a time in my life that was absolute and utter hell, and when I stopped holding myself responsible for other competent adults I came out of it a better person and more at peace because of it. And because of what I experienced I appreciate my life so much more now. Psychologically…. I am STRESSED!!! Ever since the storm ( and I thank the universe daily our home was unscathed) my life has been in upheaval, my mother was staying with us on the pull out in the TV room, my kids were home for 2 weeks, my husband has been working dawn to dusk since Oct 30, when my kids finally went back to school my 5 yo is on a split schedule with the middle school so he is only away from home for 4 hours, my work schedule has been a little nutty, my mom drops laundry off for me to do at her whim and expects us to drop our priorities to help her ( I can’t blame her she did lose her first floor of her home), my week with no power was the least of my concern. I need a week on a beach in the sun just to recoup. My brain is fried so for this moment I put myself at a 4 psychologically. My goal is to get to my Power center classes 3 times a week Spiritually I will make a better effort to add to my grateful; list every day, I will spend more time just being with nature and practice meditating more Psychologically I will go on that vacation!!! Seriously, I wish funding not available. Psychologically I will allow myself to say no, and try more to go with the flow I need to remember some of my favorite quotes in Dacher’s book. I think I will even post them in spots where I will see them every day and take more time for myself For this week's guided meditation I knew immediately as it began talking about rainbows it was going to go through the chakras. Again to have a guided meditation like this I do relax and really enjoy it, this time I felt it was a little too long but I was pressed for time so I wish I knew ahead of time how long the meditations were so that I can properly plan and not feel rushed. I would be relaxing and then think, oh what time is it?? And I would let the thought go and continue on. So I may later in the week do it again, as for me it is a great way to relax and get some well-deserved quiet time.


  1. Hello Jen,

    I am glad you were able to come out of Superstorm Sandy okay. While I am sure it would be a bit irritating that your mom expects you to do her laundry, yet I think it is great that you are able to help her since she didn't fare as well in the storm.

  2. Hi Jen,

    I enjoyed your post. I'm sorry for you and your family's hardship due to the storm. I take it you live in the northeast area of the U.S.? I live in Florida. I know about hurricanes. It sounds like you have some wonderful coping abilities. Keep doing them. I know you will be fine. Best wishes.


  3. Thank you both, we are very fortunate for the lack of personal damage! The other stuff/ tricky schedules/ laundry etc will eventually subside and life will return to semi normal.... but some days it is just hard to handle. I feel so horrible for the other people who have suffered traumatically and wish I could do more. Some days I can't think about it cause I just cry, other days I can put that energy to positive things! :)

  4. Hi Jen,
    I think the most attainable goals are the ones that are barely changing our daily routines. It was suggested to me to drive with no music and reflect on the things that upsetting you. This will help you come up with a better strategy to deal with the things that have your life out of balance and help you get a little peace and quiet even if it is only a few minutes at a time.


    1. Hi Jill,
      I have got to say that you have such a great attitude for the amount of stress that you are under! You seem to be doing the best that you can and I admire your ability to still stay grounded and move forward. You said that one of your psychological goals is to practice saying no, and I think that is great advice that everyone can take! This is because if you personally do not have a good head on your shoulders, then how can you help someone else to get a good head on their shoulders? One can never give too much, but it is important to remember that sometimes personally we need help as well! I love that you right a few things that you are grateful for each night and I wish you and your family all the best! :)


  5. I think I felt a little bit like you did during the excercise. I think I too am going to try again when I am in a different state of mind because I think after I did it I really didn't get the full benefit of what it was intended.

  6. Feeling rushed while trying to relax can be counter productive. I hope the choas has calmed down for you now. It is good that you have a healthy addictition to the gym! Hope that is still happening for you. I also agree with Jill, drive time can be a quiet time for reflection. :)
